There is a gal I work with at Quad that is trying to lose weight .. and she is doing a FANTASTIC job. I commented to her today that she is looking great .. she then comments to me
"I am trying to get to my goal weight by the time I turn 40 which is February"
my comment was that she must almost already be there and her next comment floored me...
"I am almost to my goal which is I want to weigh what I did when I graduated from high school"
WHAT???? I couldn't even imagine that kind of pressure. I was 96lbs when I graduated high school and honestly -- I could NEVER be that weight again.. I realize that ... I am thinking that I am kind of relieved .... I KNOW I won't even weigh that little again. Whew -- pressure is off .... now...where did I put the Snickers bar?? (I am still thinking of suing them because they are just not that satisfying).
January Week 2
3 days ago
Uou were 96 pounds when you graduated hs??? I was 140 and thought that was awesome (especially since I had a kid already)shhhhhh...